Susan Fekety Certified As Lifestyle Counselor Wednesday May 17th, 2006 Susan Fekety, MSN, CNM, recently earned certification as a Therapeutic Lifestyle Counselor, after a 4 day intensive educational program followed by a written exam. First Line Therapy is a state of the art 12-week program which will inspire you to eat right for your body, get moving, and learn stress management techniques in a structured and supportive environment. This program has been up and running since last fall and is already an enormous success. You can sign up at any time, and the program is customized to meet your particular needs. For more information, contact Susan at True North. Fair Use Notice: This website may reproduce or have links to copyrighted material the use of which has not been expressly authorized by the copyright owner. True North Health Center makes such material available, without profit, as part of our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, economic, scientific, and related issues. It is our understanding that this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided by law. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes that go beyond "fair use," you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.
(207) 781-4488