The Tune Up is a free monthly e-newsletter containing some of
the latest research from nutrition to stress reduction to supplements
to hormones, compiled by Joseph Semmes, MD, True North's
Director of Research.
Pithy and informative, Dr. Semmes provides a summary of the research study and a link to the article where the study is discussed more fully.
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In this issue...September 2014
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the September 2014 True North Tune-Up. We continue to emphasize "up stream" strategies for health in the areas of nutrition, mind-body, and lifestyle. Studies are from peer-reviewed scientific journals. (There are now 300 or so predatory journals among the many good free journals on line, where low quality studies are published in return for money payments!) Archived prior issues of the Tune-Up may be found here.
To your health,
B. Joseph Semmes, MD
Director of Research, True North
Diplomate, American Boards of Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Hospice and Palliative Medicine
To contact us:
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a substantially increased risk of Alzheimer's as well as "all cause" dementia.
A recent study of 1,658 elderly ambulatory adults found that 171 developed dementia over roughly six years. Those who were Vitamin D deficient developed dementia at more than double the rate of those who had normal Vitamin D blood levels.
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Chiropractic spinal manipulation is helpful in chronic sub-acute back-related leg pain.
Published in the September 14 Annals of Internal Medicine, a study of almost 200 patients showed that spinal manipulation reduced pain levels at 12 weeks versus home exercise with advice.
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Mindfulness meditation leads to more efficient white matter brain transmission and other promising attention and emotion-related results.
The first link below is an abstract of the study in the respected Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences describing the brain changes that follow just one moth of mindfulness meditation training. The second link reviews the results of multiple studies of mindfulness on brain imaging, executive function, dampened emotional reactivity and more.
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Vigorous exercise and brisk walking reduce the risk of breast cancer in African American women
by 25%.
Boston University scientists followed 44,000 African-American women over 16 years. They found that women who exercised for seven hours a week, including brisk walking, lowered their rate of breast cancer by 25%.
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The Artemis Newsletter from Johns Hopkins is a wonderful monthly for those with or at increased risk for breast cancer.
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Information provided in the True North Tune-Up is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The information and links in this e-publication are intended to provide general education on the topics listed, but you should not use the information or links to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare practitioner. True North advises you to always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health practitioner prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.