Board-Certified Psychiatrist
- BS, Chemistry, University of Denver, Denver, CO
- MD, University of Texas, Houston, TX
- Psychiatric Residency, University of Texas, Houston, TX
- Chairperson, Psychiatry Department at Mid Coast Hospital in Brunswick, ME
Dr. Simmons was initially excited with the powerful tools he learned in his psychiatric training for helping people to advance their developmental potential. This excitement waned over the years as he saw how often psychopharmacology and conventional psychotherapy fell short of their promise in chronic disorders. This led to his collaboration with complementary health practitioners and eventually to an exploration of ways to intervene directly with nutrition, lifestyle, energetic healing techniques, and Functional Medicine. As a holistic psychiatrist, Dr. Simmons looks to nutrition, lifestyle modification and various healing techniques to affect the greatest outcome for the patient.
In working with patients over the years, Dr. Simmons has come to believe that love in its many forms and/or coping with the absence of love, constitutes the fulcrum upon which suffering and healing turn. As a holistic psychiatrist, he believes that love in the form of listening with full presence, whether as a friend or family member or healing practitioner, also includes listening to the body as a teacher. His services include Holistic Psychiatry, Functional Medicine, Psychopharmacology, Psychotherapy, Thought-Field Therapy/ Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Tappas Accupressure Technique.
In addition to his work at True North and his private practice, Dr. Simmons has managed treatment units in private and public psychiatric hospitals, consulted in residential treatment centers and served in community mental health centers for over 15 years.